Foosball rules
Simplified Game Rules for Individual and Team Foosball
The game consists of winning 3 rounds of 5 points to win a game. A difference of two points will be necessary in the event of the 5th round, with a maximum of eight points.
Article 1: Commitment
To decide which team will start the game, the two teams draw lots. After drawing lots, the commitment is made at the half, stopped ball.
Article 2: Throw-in
When a ball leaves the table, it must be returned to play at the back of the court from which it left, regardless of which direction.
A ball immobilized between two bars is put back into play at the back of the camp where it is.
When a ball is immobilized between the two bars of the semis, it is the camp which did not have the commitment which puts it back into play at the semis.
Article 3: The “loan”
The player who engages or puts a ball into play must systematically ask "ready?" » to his adversary and wait for him to answer « ready! before starting.
Article 4: Wash bottles
The pissettes consist of scoring with the right attacker when the opposing defenders and goalkeeper are shifted to the same side. Allied fire before spray is allowed on both sides.
Article 5: Covers
Reruns are allowed in doubles and singles. In an individual game, one on one, when a ball is committed to the halfbacks and controlled by the front players, it can be shot directly.
Article 6: Casters
Roulettes are allowed on the entire playing field, except from the half-bar. However, it is forbidden to make more than a turn and a half of the bar, in which case, a goal scored will be null and the ball is given to the opposing backs. Before triggering the roulette, the ball must be blocked or controlled.
Article 7: The bowl
There is "bowl" when a ball entered the goals, hit the bottom and came out. The bowl has the same value as a normal goal: 1 point and the re-engagement is done in the classic way: at the semis.
Article 8: Change of position
In two-on-two games, the players can, if they wish, change position before the face-off or during a time-out.
Article 9: Halfbacks
A goal scored by the semis is valid and counts one point. When the back players of a team clear a ball, the opposing side has the right to move its halfbacks, just like the other players. Game techniques such as “rakes”, “bags” or “Braille” no longer exist and therefore do not constitute faults.
If the ball is stopped at the moment of triggering the shot or if there is roulette of the halfbacks, the goals do not count.
The FFFT has put in place bans to "frame" the parts of competitions:
The use of accessories that do not comply with the rules,
Introduce his hands into the field of play when a ball is in play,
Move (voluntarily or not), the game table,
Twist the bars,
Any kind of discomfort or distraction (screams, violent shocks, vibrations of table football, etc.),
“Fancy” throw-in,
Demonstrate an aggressive attitude towards the opposing camp.
Simplified game rules for table football in cafes
Here are some of the rules that can be adopted when playing table football in cafes.
This game being a hobby, the rules can be modified according to the "cordial" agreement between the players. It is therefore preferable to state the rules that will be in force during the match, before starting the game.
Article 1: commitment
Ordinarily, the first ball hits the wood of the foosball table and then goes to one side. The ball can only pass the half-halves and move towards a cage when it has touched the two bars of the half-halves "touch-touch". Another method may simply be to give the ball to the paying team. Subsequently, it is the team which conceded the goal which engages, by controlling the ball with the half-backs after it has passed (for example) under the opposing half-backs.
Article 2: throw-in
When the ball comes to rest between the halves, we redo a faceoff against the wood. Otherwise, the ball must be put back in one of the corners of the side where it came to rest, so that the defender of that side controls it. If the ball leaves the field of play, it is put back in one of the corners on the side where it left. Following a clearance by the defenders, it is usually returned to the side of the defenders who cleared. In some cases, when the ball is close enough to a player, it is possible to twist the bar in order to recover it. But this is frowned upon, some players do not accept it and it unnecessarily damages the table football. During a corner kick, if the defender can't control the ball, the attacker must give it to him nicely (with a smile). This gesture of fair play can be adopted for the entire game, ie as soon as the defender loses the ball. Nevertheless, it can quickly become painful if the opponent misses all his checks.
Article 3: wash bottles
The wash bottle is made the player closest to the handle on the forwards bar. Doing a splash is the act of shooting at goal with this player and this is forbidden, considered too easy because there is a large "blind spot" (even if it is enough for the defender to adapt his guard...). (See techniques for animation.) Note: Because foosball is symmetrical, if the attacker shoots with the player furthest from their handle while the defender is on reverse guard, the same angle is created, unfortunately. , no one counts this move as forbidden.
Article 4: retakes
In singles, it is customary to wait until the defender has his hands on the rods before shooting. It is therefore necessary to do without reruns. In doubles, there are no explicit rules prohibiting them, but people don't really like it and it doesn't show real mastery (except in the case of a sequence with a pass from the halfbacks).
Article 5: rakes, breaks, braille, bags, barriers
There is "rake", "break", "braille", "barrier" or "bag" when a ball leaving the halfbacks is deflected by the opposing halfbacks thus preventing the attackers from controlling it. If the attacker touches it, there is no fault. When the ball comes from a back clearance the rake doesn't count, but some call it "moving". (If the French Academy saw me...). Normally, passes from the halfbacks to the back are not allowed, even when the player at the halfbacks controls it before, since in general this is not voluntary, it is the player who does not control it very well, so it counts as a rake. After all, why would he want to pass the ball to the back? Unless he does not ensure in front... After two or three consecutive rakes (ie without the ball having been controlled elsewhere than), the ball is given directly to the attacker. When the game pays off, the goal rake causes the team author of the rake (the one that conceded the goal) to lose one point.
Article 6: halfbacks
When trying to recover the ball at halfbacks, it is forbidden to hit the woods several times in a row by going back and forth at full speed. This is a very bad technique, it's naughty, and is proof of a lack of control of the halfbacks... During a back clearance, it is forbidden to move your halfbacks, they must be positioned before the defender don't get out. Otherwise, there is "movement". Handle movements (describing a rotation along the axis of the bar) are authorized. On the other hand, one can move his semis when:
• The defender raises as a band; the ball is blocked by the attackers at the time of the raise.
• The defender returns the ball in recovery, without controlling it.
If someone is caught in the act of moving halfbacks, there is usually a verbal warning first (“you're heavy, stop moving your halfbacks”). If the opponent does it again, you can always return the ball to the back or even give it directly to the attackers... When the game is paying (with a limited number of balls), if a goal comes from the half-backs, you score two points in play, the next valid goal will thus count for two points. If there are still halves, we put 3 points in play, on the other hand, if there is a third goal from the halves, it is -2 points for the author of the goal. In the case of non-paying foosball, the goal is counted as a dead ball. When there is an engagement with control, the ball must obligatorily go towards the opposing goal. If by clumsiness a player making the engagement hits the ball towards his defenders, the engagement is started again. This is called a "progress" or "progress".
Article 7: the bowl
The bowl (ball entered and exited) is worth -1 whether it is carried out from the front or from the back. Some count the rear bowls -1, +1. In reality the bowl is only worth -1 if the attack wants it, if it prefers to add a point, like a normal goal, it has every right to do so. On a match point or "golden ball", some say that you can't add a point and that you have to take the goal away from your opponent. This is good for the suspense, but why making a bowl could put the team that made it at a disadvantage? It would seem that it is possible to make a bowl that comes out on the other side (white/royal bowl or cauldron), everyone talks about it but no one has ever seen it! You have to have monstrous luck... If by some miracle this happens to you, it's +5 -5, "Nice advantage isn't it?", but unfortunately this won't happen to you twice in your life. On the other hand, it is possible to go fishing in the opposite goal when the ball goes up, this is much less prestigious and brings nothing, except like a classic fishing or bowl.
Article 8: peaches
Fishing is the action of shooting and then retrieving the ball from the cage before it descends into the foosball table. Fishing is like making a bowl (but it's still easier). So, either we take away a point from the opponent, or we add one. On the other hand, defensive fishing is prohibited. This can lead to endless games, where the defender no longer tries to stop shots with his players but to rush into his cage once the shot is triggered. This is ridiculous, the real merit of fishing is on the one hand to score, then on the other hand to be fast enough to get the ball. If inadvertently a player tries to fish and hits the ball while it is still in play, there is a hand on the mat, and it is -1 for the one who committed the fault. On the other hand it is forbidden, and it is quite dangerous, when one is a goalkeeper, to try to prevent the attacker from going fishing by plowing his hand with his player. It's dangerous because it can hurt extremely, and seriously injure a player. The fair play gesture is to let go of your bars when you concede a goal and the opponent attempts a repeal.
Article 9: Lobs
Traditionally a lob counts +2 (ie when the ball goes over the goal bar). But we can count +1 when this is announced, because many times it is just luck. If there is a bowl after the lob, it's -2 points for the opponent. In defence, if the opponent tries to make a lob, we don't have the right to lift the attackers to counter the ball, only the goalkeeper has the permission to roll over to stop it. Some do not accept this rule, but it allows to make the show...
Article 10: Ashes
There is ash when the ball lodges in the ashtray on the side of the cage. The cendar is beneficial when performed on the side to be scored. As a general rule a cendar is worth +3 -3. Either way, it's 100% luck.
Article 11: dead ball
There is a dead ball when there are only two balls left to play and the score is tied. (Thus, the match will necessarily end in "golden ball"). The team that sinks the dead ball gets the face-off, so that scoring does not put them at a match point disadvantage by giving the ball to the opponent. If there is a peach or bowl on the dead ball, it cancels out and becomes a normal ball again.
Tackles: despite their certain usefulness, tackles are unsportsmanlike and damage table football. Some accept them, however, in which case you should not lift your players too much during checks.
It is also forbidden to return the last ball with the semis, this makes the author lose 2 points. In a 2 on 1 game, some prohibit back tapes for the team of two. But this unnecessarily reduces the game.